
Deb spent the first 38 years of her life in Massachusetts before relocating to San Diego in 1994.  She has been married to her husband, Jim, since 1979.  Her family includes 3 grown daughters, their partners and 9 grandchildren.  She also embraces many others as family of choice and shares in their lives as well.  Her home and family play a major role in her life, and she is honored and grateful to be blessed with this life.

From Deb’s earliest years she connected deeply with and cared for all of life, people, animals, plants, the earth.  After growing up in the city she attended nursing school and became a registered nurse.  She spent 25 years working as an RN before becoming an HHP, a holistic health practitioner.  She is happy to bring her nursing education into her holistic practice.

As a graduate of Body Mind College, Deb is excited to be doing what she is called to do, supporting others in their healing and evolution.  As a holistic practitioner she believes that we all have an innate ability to heal in body, mind and spirit. She welcomes you to a safe place to experience your healing and growth. She is excited to help you identify and release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you and replace them with the truth; the truth that you are already whole underneath all the trauma and delusion.  She feels it is a privilege to support those that come to work with her as they uncover and realize the truth of who they really are.  She also is honored to bear witness as each of her clients Return to Wholeness.

Deb’s life journey exposed her to both sides of healing.  She has spent time over the last 25 years doing her own healing and personal growth as well as supporting others to do the same.  As a victim then survivor now thriver of childhood sexual abuse she has a deep understanding of what trauma does to our body, our mind and our spirit.  She understands that childhood trauma and less than ideal parenting creates dysfunctional beliefs about ourselves and our world that continue into adulthood. These beliefs affect everything in our lives. As children we develop survival techniques and patterns that may have helped us survive then but do not serve us any longer.  She also understands what it is like to release those beliefs and patterns and replace them with more functional beliefs and skills. She knows what it is like to experience true healing and transformation; to uncover and become who we really are, who we came here to be.

Throughout her life Deb has encouraged and supported others to do their healing.  She has led groups for survivors of childhood sexual abuse and has always been willing to listen and share.  She has taken many classes, seminars and workshops to support her work and is continually adding new tools. She looks forward to supporting YOU in your healing journey.